“Lying for Jesus?” Prof. Dawkins reviews Expelled

Hooray! Richard Dawkins has posted his review of the cdesign proponentsist movie Expelled and the events of its Thursday night’s screening that he attended.

“In the course of this film, Mathis tricked a number of scientists, including PZ Myers and me, into taking prominent parts in the film, and both of us are handsomely thanked in the closing credits.

“Seemingly oblivious to the irony, Mathis instructed some uniformed goon to evict Myers while he was standing in line with his family to enter the theatre, and threaten him with arrest if he didn’t immediately leave the premises. Did it not occur to Mathis — what would occur any normally polite and reasonable person — that Myers, having played a leading role in the film, might have been welcomed as an honoured guest to watch it? Or, more cynically, did he not know that PZ is one of the country’s most popular bloggers, with a notoriously caustic wit, perfectly placed to set the whole internet roaring with delighted and mocking laughter? I long ago realised that Mathis was deceitful. I didn’t know he was a bungling incompetent.

Not just incompetent at public relations, incompetent in his chosen profession of film-making, for the film itself, as I discovered when I saw it on Friday (and this genuinely surprised me) is dull, artless, amateurish, too long, poorly constructed and utterly devoid of any style, wit or subtlety. It bears all the hallmarks of a film-maker who knows nothing about the craft of making films…. I’ll come to that in a moment.” [Read more]

17 Responses to ““Lying for Jesus?” Prof. Dawkins reviews Expelled

  1. Skeptigirl Says:

    RE: 43. Comment #148713 by clearthinker on March 23, 2008
    Dr Dawkins,
    Could you please tell us what Mark Mathis has to do with Jesus? How do you know his motivation for lying was ‘for Jesus’? Is this not just another cheap shot in a rather silly ‘culture’ war?

    I do believe the whole Intelligent Design ‘wedge strategy’ was developed by the Discovery Institute which developed it specifically to get a Creationist’s foot in the door of science classrooms across the US. And the Discovery Institute is indeed engaged in lying for Jesus. You can look into both the D.I. and the “wedge strategy” to confirm that.

    You might also look at the US Court Case, Kitzmiller v Dover, to see a very thorough discussion in the ruling by Judge John E Jones III on the matter in its entirety. Jones wrote an excellent decision detailing an extensive court case where Intelligent Design promoters presented as much scientific supporting evidence as money could buy. Despite that, despite calling in expert witnesses like the infamous Dr. Michael Behe, and despite the fact Judge Jones was a Bush appointee from good Christian stock, ID promoters were unable to make their case that Intelligent Design was being ‘expelled’ from any science classroom in a public school in the USA.

    Rather, what Judge Jones ruled was that Intelligent Design was Creationism with a science facade. Jones didn’t just rule that Intelligent Design failed the scientific test. Jones specifically ruled the defendants, in this case the Dover School Board which had been infiltrated by ID promoters, was trying to deceive the court. Jones ruled they were lying that Intelligent Design was not Creationism in disguise. In fact, the ID defendants were caught lying red handed by a typo in the textbook they wanted used in the Dover schools, “Of Pandas and People”, which was previously a book promoting Creationism as a scientific theory. The defendants testified that ‘Of Pandas and People’ was not previously about Creationism, but a typo in the book actually reads, “cdesign proponentsists”. Jones noted that error in his ruling along with the fact the book matched almost word for word the book about Creationism except the term, ID, was substituted for Creationism.

    The idea behind the Discovery Institute’s ‘wedge strategy’ was to couch the Biblical version of Creation in scientific terms and have it accepted as science rather than religion. To do that they took the scientific hypothesis that some components of living organisms are irreducibly complex and therefore did not evolve and claimed this hypothesis, if true, supported a competing theory to evolution, that of Intelligent Design.

    But like all invalid hypotheses go, irreducible complexity failed the test. To this point, no lies were yet told. But what do you do when you cannot fit the evidence to your existing Biblical beliefs? For some people, they simply ignore reality. But for others, well aware the scientific community was not convinced that irreducible complexity was a supportable hypothesis, they simply took their arguments to non-scientists. If you can’t convince informed people, you can still try to convince uninformed people.

    And that is where the lie for Jesus comes in. You cannot say that scientists were not convinced because the evidence was not convincing. You have to make up a lie that scientists were not convinced because they exclude religious beliefs from science.

    But that is not true. If the evidence supported the Biblical version of Creation, then the evidence supports the Biblical version. There is no valid evidence science dismisses simply because someone wrote something about it in a religious text beforehand.

    Intelligent Design fails on scientific merits. So rather than debate ID on scientific merits, the Discovery Institute has been trying to change the debate to “fairness in the classroom”. And this film is just more of that same lie. The lie being told here is that free speech is being hindered, that the scientific community is afraid of evidence which refutes evolution theory, that the scientific community cares more about a pet theory than about the evidence.

    That lie feeds into the public stereotype that science is steeped in tradition and dogma. The opposite is true. Science is all about the evidence. Sometimes new paradigms require sufficient evidence to convince some scientists. But in the end, the evidence is what prevails. Dogma simply cannot win in science if the evidence says otherwise.

    To claim evolution theory is dogma and legitimate evidence is being ignored is a lie and in this case, maybe Ben Stein is lying for his Biblical God and not for Jesus, (I wouldn’t know), but the majority of the ID promoters are indeed lying about the scientific community for Jesus. There is no reason to think Mathis is lying for anything else.

  2. Skeptigirl Says:

    Sorry, meant to post that on Dawkin’s page. Got mixed up while hyperlinking.

  3. monado Says:

    That’s OK; it’s a great piece of commentary.

    Kristine (no last name), one of the people who saw the movie on Thursday night and sat through the question period reports that when one woman asked, “How can we pray for you?” the producer, Mark Mathis, got all excited and started talking about grassroots movements. So his own motivation includes religion.

    Then there’s the detailed review of Expelled by Josh Timonen, which includes this:

    Intelligent Design means Created by God
    Let me draw attention to this: This film in no way attempts to distinguish God from Intelligent Design. They have apparently abandoned that tactic, and are now only targeting their religious base with this Big Science Conspiracy Theory. They move effortlessly from phrases about “an Intelligent Designer” to “God” or “a creator”.

  4. Harald Buerling Says:

    Thanks a lot! You are on the right way!


  5. Harald Buerling Says:

    I would like to rehabilitate posthume the german Prof.Dr.phil.Franz Stephan Griese!

    His Book:
    “The great Error of Christianity – proved by a Priest”
    Editor: General Ludendorff Verlag GmbH, Muinich 19
    Scientific pamphlet for all faculties of University
    Prof.Dr.Franz Stephan Griese, University Buenos Aires, Arbgentina


    His Book: “Desilusion of a Priest” 1932

    He was born in Straelen/Germany 1889/12/26

    Punished by the Pope’s Pius XI. Inquisition Tribunal 1938
    without hearing his facts 14 year after leaving the church by himself in 1924!

  6. monado Says:

    Thanks! I will look it up. The latest outrage that is even worse is that the current pope drafted a letter in the 1960s that is still RC church policy, excommunicating any catholic who tells what they know about church personnel committing rape or other forms of sexual abuse on children or others.

    That’s the church for you!

  7. Harald Buerling Says:

    Historical Letter of Prof.Dr.phil.Franz Stephan Griese to the Pope Pius XI. !

    Mendoza, Arg, 15th of January 1933

    Franz Griese presents compliments
    to the Pope Pius XI.

    You allow me, Your Holiness my recently issued work in this way to transmit what I found to be useful and necessary, because I have written this book in the causes and reasons to point at that interest me, the former priest of the Catholic Church given that rock off my priestness and I turn apostate that religion.
    Let Your Holiness not overlook the fact that my book is not only the teaching of the Church, especially the sacraments hitting rebutted, but also the unique person of Christ, whose prophecy of his early return it as inaccurate accused, even before the eyes of all the audience.
    Therefore I wanted Your Holiness, as a defender of the faith by Excellentiam, watch whether the evidence refutes this book somehow so that neither the foundation of the church nor of the flock of believers suffer any harm.
    I am ready, everything I have written before any arbitrary theologians of the Holy Chair to publicly defend when and where Your Holiness likes.
    From this letter, which the next edition of my work is attached, I will through the newspapers the world get acquaint with.
    Live well
    Poste restante: Mendoza, Argentina Franz Griese

  8. Franz Stephan Griese Says:

    Look here my wikipedia.de Curriculum Vitae CV, but only in german language. Sorry for that!

  9. Franz Stephan Griese Says:

    The great Error of Christianity
    proved by a Priest

    Dissertation for all Faculties of University
    by German Prof.Dr.phil.Franz Stephan Griese
    for English and Spanish
    University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Ex-Priest of the Archdiocese of Paderborn under Archbishop Dr.Caspar Klein
    * 26.12.1889 in Straelen / Niederrhein, Germany
    (1st Edition 1936)
    12th – 16th Thousend
    (General) Ludendorff Publishing House GmbH, Munich 19

    Table of Contents
    Remarks of the Publisher General Erich Ludendorff
    Statement of Prof.Franz Stephan Griese
    Part One: Objections to the Catholic Church

    Section I: Initiation
    1st Single presentation: False Bible Translations and its Consequences
    2nd Single presentation: The Dogmas of Inspiration and Infallibility of the Bible
    3rd Single presentation: The Dogmatisation Efforts and its Consequences
    Section II: My Objections to the Sacraments of the Catholic Church
    4th Single presentation: The Baptism and Original Sin
    5th Single presentation: Auricular Confession and Repentance
    6th Single presentation: The Mass and Communion
    7th Single presentation: The “Sacrament” of Marriage
    8th Single presentation: The “Sacrament” of Last Rites
    9th Single presentation: The Ordination and Celibacy
    Section III: Objections to other Changes and Conversions of the Catholic Church
    10th Single presentation: The Catholic and Apostolic Church
    11th Single presentation: The Papacy and its historical Development
    12th Single presentation: The Revaluation of the Morality of Christ in the Catholic Church
    Section IV: Objections to the Deity of Christ
    13th Single presentation: The Bible teaches that Christ was not God
    14th Single presentation: The failed Prophecy of Christ from his close Reappearance shows that
    he was not God

    Part Two: Objections to Christianity as such
    15th Single representation: Objections to the Basis of Christianity
    16th Single representation: Objections to the Reporting of the Bible:
    The Resurrection (for example)
    17th Single presentation: An alien Religion – Christianity, a totally strange Religion for Mankind

    Printed in Germany / Printing Office: Albert Ebner, Munich

    This original German version “Der große Irrtum des Christentums erwiesen durch einen Priester” you can buy in this antiquarian bookshop http://www.zvab.de or others by the internet under FRANZ GRIESE

    Sorry, not in English available!
    http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Stephan_Griese german language
    Spanish language

  10. Franz Stephan Griese Says:

    Franz Stephan Griese
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Sightings (the current version) (+/-)
    This is the last german translated visible version, released 29th October 2008. 5 changes are still on the sighting of.
    Status sighted

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    Prof.Dr.phil.Franz Stephan Griese (* 26th of December, 1889 in Straelen; †? in Argentina?) was a german roman catholic ex-priest, church critic and philologist.

    Curriculum Vitae

    Griese was born as the son of postal administrator Rudolf Griese and his wife Mary Antoniette (born Stewens) Stienkerkerstr. in the house 226, in Straelen / district Geldern . At the age of 13 he joined the monastery in 1902 in St.Michael in Steyl in the Netherlands. In 1908 he completed in the mission house of St. Gabriel Convent of the Steyler Missionaries – Mödling south of Vienna – his high school studies. This year he also went through the noviciate, got the first religious vows and obtained the lower orders. Already in 1911 he has done his first critical Bible translations.

    After he translated the “Song of Solomon”, with the expanse of 150 Psalms of David – because denial of the continued existence after death – he rejected. Since those remarks, contrary to the dogmas of the Catholic Church, he destroyed these remarks, to continue to work as a priest candidate. With the beginning of the World War I. he was sub deacon and then military hospital candidate in the Elisabeth Hospital in Essen/Ruhr. At the “Burggymnasium” there he graduated from high school baccalaureate exams to enter higher spiritual bodies to be able to ascend. 1918, he received under Archbishop Dr.Caspar Klein in Paderborn his priestly ordination with the german so called “Modernisteneid”. That is: Oath against modernity in the sense of the Bible.

    After his 1919 “The New Translation of St. Paul’s Letters”, because of a damning report by former professor of New Testament exegesis of the episcopal authority Paderborn had been banned, he began to study the contradictions in theology and biblical texts in his special examination. His work as a result of this published writings church remained without effect. He had 1922 different tasks in the diocese of Paderborn and travelled in the same year for the Caritas association to Argentina in order to collect donations. Before he leaves he visited Prof.Dr.Adolf von Harnack. He advised him to continue his studies and in a appropriate moment to live the church. In Argentina especially his knowledge of twelve languages was a tremendous advantage. After 1923, without his knowledge, his “St.Paul’s letters” with church pressure permission of the Archbishop of Cologne have been published, he returned back to Germany.

    1924 Griese already submitted a manuscript of “A priest calls: Get rid of Rome and Christ!” to the Catholic church, cancelled the membership of the church and than travelled to Argentina. Here he habilitated at the University of Buenos Aires, was a professor of English and French and later founded a language academy. After church more critical writings were published, he married on 1rst of June, 1927. On 25th of July, 1938 was his great papal excommunication. As reasons for its publication were alleged anticlerical writings and his church marriage in Mendoza, Argentina in the “Heart-Mary Church” mentioned. Although Griese married 3 years after his leaving of the church, he was punished with the large papal excommunication by Pope Pius XI. without hearing him to the facts of his books. 2008 Griese will be posthumously rehabilitated before the world.

    Work selection
    Psalm sounds: Texts of the psaltery from the Hebrew translated and uniform asked to put together. Schöningh Publisher, 1915, 1916
    * “Christians of all denominations, unite!” Patriotic Publisher, Berlin, 1921
    Subtitle: Contrasts of the Protestant and Catholic religion.
    * “The letters of St. Paul’s” Paul Verlagsanstalt, Graz 1923
    * A priest calls: Lot of Rome and Christ! Erich Ludendorffs Verlag GmbH, Munich, 1932, (includes autobiography)
    * “La Desilusión de un Sacerdote”, Argentina 1933
    * “The great Error of Christianity proved by a Priest” – scientific treatise for all faculties. Erich Ludendorff Verlag GmbH, Munich, 1936
    * “Inquisition Tribunal 1938 – Pope Pius XI. against Prof.Fr.Griese” – Historic letter of Prof.Griese to the Pope Pius XI. after the world-wide proscription, Buenos Aires, Calle 92 Maipú VII, on 25.Heuerts (= July) Erich Ludendorff Verlag GmbH, Munich, 1938, (until now unanswered by the Pope and the german “Bischofskonferenz” also his first letter from the 15th of January, 1933, written in Mendoza)
    * Spanish, easy and good. Beutelspacher Publisher, 1949
    * Aleman Basico: Metodo Fragri – Tomo I ‘Idioma-Aleman / Cuarta Edición, E. Beutelspacher Publisher, 1951
    * Sinfonía la del Universo. Argentina 1954

    Personal Data
    NAME Griese, Franz Stephan
    ABSTRACT a German Roman Catholic priest, church critic and philologist
    DATE OF BIRTH 26th December 1889
    BIRTH Straelen;
    UNIVERSITY Buenos Aires, Argentina

    From http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Stephan_Griese

    In english not jet installed! Sorry!

  11. Franz Stephan Griese Says:

    Here a better translation of the work selection beneath the CV of Prof.Griese:

    Work selection
    Psalm sounds: Texts of the psaltery translated from Hebrew and put together in uniformed prayers, Schöningh Publisher, 1915, 1916
    * “Christians of all denominations, unite!” Patriotic Publisher, Berlin, 1921
    Subtitle: Contrasts of the Protestant and Catholic religion is of no importance.
    * “The letters of St. Paul’s” Paul Verlagsanstalt, Graz 1923
    * “A priest calls: Get rid of Rome and Christo!” Erich Ludendorffs Verlag GmbH, Munich, 1932, (includes autobiography)
    * “La Desilusión de un Sacerdote”, Argentina 1933
    * “The great Error of Christianity proved by a Priest” – Dissertation for all Faculties of University. Erich Ludendorff Verlag GmbH, Munich, 1936
    * “Inquisition Tribunal 1938 – Pope Pius XI. against Prof.Fr.Griese” – Historic letter of Prof.Griese to the Pope Pius XI. after the world-wide proscription, Buenos Aires, Calle 92 Maipú VII, on 25th of July, 1938, Erich Ludendorff Verlag GmbH, Munich, 1938, (until now unanswered by the Pope and the german “Bishop’s Conference” also his historic first letter from the 15th of January, 1933, written in Mendoza)
    * Spanish, easy and good. Beutelspacher Publisher, 1949
    * Aleman Basico: Metodo Fragri – Tomo I ‘Idioma-Aleman / Cuarta Edición, E. Beutelspacher Publisher, 1951
    * Sinfonía la del Universo. Argentina 1954

  12. metal Says:

    Richard Dawkins is the biggest Sharlatan!!!
    “Atheists for Jesus”??? Deut.7:1,12,22., Deut.12:29.
    “Atheists for Jesus”??? Deut.23:1,2., Deut.12:29.
    “Atheists for Jesus”??? Psalm 58:10-11., Psalm 144:1.
    “Atheists for Jesus”??? Matth.1:1., Matth.5:48., John:10:30.
    “Atheists for Jesus”??? John:14:6., Matth.18:6., Luke19:27.

  13. Heaven Hell Says:

    The BIBLE is pure fiction! Don’t believe this fairy tale at all!

  14. Heaven Hell Says:


    WARNING: This is a work of fiction. Do not take it literally.

    Content Advisory:

    Contains verses descriptive or advocating suicide, incest, bestiality, sadomasochism, sexual activity in a violent context, murder, morbid violence, use of drugs or alcohol, homosexuality, voyeurism, revenge, undermining of authority figures, lawlessness, and human rights violations and atrocities.

    Exposure Warning:

    Exposure to contents for extended periods of time during formative years in children may cause delusions, hallucinations, decreased cognitive and objective reasoning abilities, and, in extreme cases, pathological disorders, hatred, bigotry, and violence including, but not limited to fanaticism, murder, and genocide

  15. Pope indicted 2011 Says:

    http://www.kanzlei-sailer.de/pope-lawsuit-2011.pdf and named in the Amnesty Report 2011 : http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/vatican/report-2011

    Pope is definitely at the end with his latin! Whoopee!

  16. Defender Says:

    Are the Atheists also an invention of the Jesuits founded Illuminati???? The Evangelikals of America said it. All wars are against Christus and they mean Christus to protect for the NWO = Georgia Guidestones Monument incriptions. The Olivet Nazarene University in California stand for the NWO for Christus and they have the tools to fulfill the BIBLE prophecies! A war of very insane poeple to destroy the world, but they sit in the same boat! Mark the 2012/6/6 because the pentagramm dance of Earth and Venus around the sun is at its end. The WWIII can start then probably. Pentagon has its name therefore???? Stupid Illuminati rubbish! Totally shit!

  17. General Nicolas SJ - Head of Freemasonry Illuminati founded by Jesuits from Palencia/Spain Says:

    Yes, that’s very clear meanwhile, because the german atheists don’t want to rehabilitate Griese! Prof.Mynarek tells us about the modern atheists in his book: The new Atheists – Their Thesis on Test Stand – but I don’t think this Prof. – otherwiese he woundn’t cover up Freemasonry = Illuminati founded by Jesuits 1771 – Highest churchleaders are members of their declaered enimies! Totally jesuits thinking and forgery!!!! – “Christus quasi praesens” is the Black Pope Jesuits General Nicolas today! He is the self decleared Jesus on Earth – not the White Pope ( only vicarius Christi – nothing to say) – the head eye of the pyramid on the dolar note!!!

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